We are back in production! Filming this beautiful holiday burlesque in it's fourth year - Our third year filming. New casting, delicious new moves and some costume upgrades all continue to make the Slutcracker up her game. Cast A and B are very different and it's been interesting filming them both opening weekend. I'm looking forward to this coming weekend. Of course in the process I need another hard drive...again. This is one of those moments that I feel thankful that I'm not shooting with a red camera. I think I would choose to work on a narrative film and not a documentary when having to store so much footage.
As I continue shooting my quest for what to edit this feature on gets a slight reprieve and I enrolled in yet another class in final cut X. I'm on the fence, I feel that apple is changing some of the things that people have been clamoring about and yet the program still feels foreign to me. I realize that Final 7 did take some time for me to be comfortable on it as well and with an open mind X might provide some things that 7 doesn't. To name that most important is easy...Keywords. You can imbed keywords into marked areas in footage. It doesn't sound like much but when dealing with hours of footage it could make life easier and editing go a little faster. I will make my decision by new years so I have a few more weeks to explore my options.
Here is the new Promo if you haven't seen it yet:)